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Minnesota West Class Schedule

The class schedule has moved! To access the class schedule, click on the link below!
Class Schedule

Attention Luverne Center Students

To identify the classes physically on site at the Luverne Center location, please follow the instructions below.­

1.  Set the campus location to Pipestone and make sure you have the correct semester selected. (See Figure 1)
2.  Click on the Expand/Collapse for Advance Search option. (See Figure 1) 
3.  At the bottom right, find the location tab – Select Luverne.  (See Figure 2)
4.  Click Search,  (See Figure 2)
5.  This will bring up all of the courses that are scheduled at the Luverne Center.  To find the online classes available, change the campus location to online, and search.  

Figure 1classschedulegraphic3
Figure 2
