Faculty & Staff

Email Login
Email Login

Email Login



Facility Scheduling
Facility Scheduling

Facility Scheduling

Employee Directory
Employee Directory

Employee Directory

Class Cancellations
Class Cancellations

Class Cancellations

Human Resources
Human Resources

Human Resources

Minnesota Self-Service
MN Self-Service

Minnesota Self-Service



Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities



Integrated Student Record System (ISRS) maintained by the Minnesota State system. 

Class Schedule   |   Employee Login   |   Faculty Login


The StarID is a username that replaces many login IDs with one ID, one password, everywhere. Activate, reset or find your StarID.


CTL, data, curriculum, forms, classroom  and additional faculty resources
Navigate360 connects students to faculty, advisors, administrators, and staff in a coordinated care network.
marketing icon
The Office of Marketing and Communications provides support for Minnesota West staff, faculty, students, and community.

Additional Resources


Facilities Request

alertusAlertus: Emergency Alert

Alertus is a mobile app the college uses to communicate to students and employees for high-level immediate campus emergencies that threaten the safety of our college community and facilities.

STEP 1: Download Alertus Mobile App 

STEP 2: After downloading Alertus Mobile App complete the following steps:

  1. Enter "mnwest" for the Organization Code
  2. Enter your Minnesota West College email address (you cannot use a personal email)
    Example: firstname.lastname@mnwest.edu (employees) and
    firstname.lastname@live.mnwest.edu (students)
  3. Open your Minnesota West email account. Locate an email from noreply@mobile.alertus.com. The subject line should say "Confirm your Account"
  4. Click on the email verification link to verify your account
  5. Select your campus location then click on Continue, set up complete

Minnesota West's emergency notification system allows students to receive quick cell phone and/or email notifications for campus-related emergencies.

Star Alert

MoveIt Securely