Faculty & Staff
Integrated Student Record System (ISRS) maintained by the Minnesota State system.
Class Schedule | Employee Login | Faculty Login
The StarID is a username that replaces many login IDs with one ID, one password, everywhere. Activate, reset or find your StarID.
Additional Resources
Alertus: Emergency Alert
Alertus is a mobile app the college uses to communicate to students and employees for high-level immediate campus emergencies that threaten the safety of our college community and facilities.
STEP 1: Download Alertus Mobile App
STEP 2: After downloading Alertus Mobile App complete the following steps:
- Enter "mnwest" for the Organization Code
- Enter your Minnesota West College email address (you cannot use a personal email)
Example: firstname.lastname@mnwest.edu (employees) and
firstname.lastname@live.mnwest.edu (students) - Open your Minnesota West email account. Locate an email from noreply@mobile.alertus.com. The subject line should say "Confirm your Account"
- Click on the email verification link to verify your account
- Select your campus location then click on Continue, set up complete
Minnesota West's emergency notification system allows students to receive quick cell phone and/or email notifications for campus-related emergencies.