Minnesota West libraries have approximately 50,000 cataloged items
Circulating Book Collection
Each library has a book collection which supports the programs on its campus. Books
may be requested from any Minnesota West campus using interlibrary loan. Books check out for 21 days.
Electronic Resources
Access to a wide-range of electronic resources is available through the library web
site. Full text article databases, streaming video collections, and electronic books
are available both on and off campus.
Media Collections
All libraries have media collections containing video cassettes, DVDs, audio cassettes,
and CDs. Circulation time varies according to format.
Each Minnesota West library subscribes to local and regional newspapers. Most of
these newspapers also have an online version.
Minnesota West libraries subscribe to over 100 periodicals (magazines and scholarly
journals), most with three years of back files. Periodical issues may be checked out
from the libraries for one week. Via nearly 30 databases, the library provides access
to thousands of articles, many of the which are available in full text and can be
printed. Some are only citations and the actual article needs to be ordered through
interlibrary loan.
Reference Collection
The reference area of each library has standard reference works such as handbooks,
encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, and atlases. These books are used for ready
reference and do not circulate.