Transcript Request
Transcript Request
Unofficial Transcripts
An unofficial transcript is a record of your Minnesota West enrollment, grades, credits earned, and your grade point average. You will need a copy for degree planning purposes. It is always a good idea to retain a copy for your personal files. A copy of your unofficial transcript is available from your e-Services student account.
Official Transcripts
Students who plan to have a transcript sent to an institution that is part of Minnesota State colleges and universities system do not need to complete a transcript request. All Minnesota State colleges and universities are able to access a student's Minnesota West transcript electronically. If you attended the Canby, Granite Falls, Jackson or Pipestone campus prior to 1990, you must order a transcript because other Minnesota State schools cannot access an electronic transcript.
Important Note: You must contact the Registrar's Office at the other Minnesota State school and ask them to pull an etranscript for you. The other college will not pull in your transfer credits without contact from you.
How to Request Official Transcripts
- Order it online through Parchment. We have partnered with the Parchment to provide students with the option of ordering
a transcript online for $7.00 for a transcript delivered electronically and $9.25
for a paper transcript to be sent through the mail. You will create a personal profile,
sign the order consent form online, submit the request, and pay by credit card. We
will then process the transcript request. Ordering transcripts online allows students
to track the progress of their requests.
- Need Assistance? If you are unable to complete the Parchment request above, please contact for assistance.
- Third-Party Ordering through Parchment is now available. Please follow the instructions outlined above, for creating an account and submit the order. The fee for a third-party order is $10 for an electronic copy, and $12.25 for a paper copy to be mailed. Please note, you will need the student to provide consent before the order will be processed.
transcipt Information
- Official transcripts are those printed with the college seal, have the signature of the Registrar, and are issued in a sealed envelope. Some institutions will not accept a hand-delivered transcript as official; instead, it must be mailed directly from Minnesota West. Check the policy of the receiving institution before you decide to hand-deliver your transcript.
- You will need an official transcript if you are planning to transfer your classes to another college or when you apply for a scholarship or a job, or if you are registering with a state examination board. The requestor will tell you if the transcript must be official.