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How Do I....?

Instructions to:  Check your Financial Aid Status

Video Tutorial Check Financial Aid Status Thumb

Go to: Your e-Services Student Account.  
You will need your StarID and password.

  1. Login.

  2. The Dashboard is your student account home page. Be sure to review any Action Items that you have listed.

  3. Select: Financial Aid (left Menu) to display choices in this section. 

  4. In the center of the screen, change semester to the semester you intend to begin classes if needed.

  5. Look to the center of the page in the area called Next Step.  If there is a link to "view aid application letter", click on the link and read the letter for information on follow-up that needs to be completed in order to be awarded financial aid.  If the Next Step states Awards are Ready, you can click on the Awards link.

  6. Logout after viewing.